本书提供了一个全面理解和分析中美竞争驱动下的拉丁美洲和加勒比地区秩序重塑过程的框架,展示了中美关系、中拉关系和美拉关系之间的差异,探讨了拉美和加勒比地区在多大程度上可以被视为统一行为者等问题。本书从全球治理、国际机构、贸易、安全政策、气候变化、多边主义以及地区和全球和平与稳定等广泛视角开展研究,同时包括中国“一带一路”倡议、拉美和加勒比国家共同体(CELAC)和 “小多边”(Minilateral)合作、可持续发展和商业以及软实力(例如旅游和教育)在中拉关系中的作用等问题。本书的出版及时且重要,它的贡献在于分析了中国的全球崛起、中美日益激烈的主导权竞争给拉美和加勒比地区带来的地区秩序变化,对国际关系、国际政治经济学和安全研究的学者和学生来说是很有吸引力一本文献。
List of Tables
List of FiguresList of Graphics
List of Contributors
1 International Order Transition and China-US Rivalry: Implication for Lain America and the Caribbean
Li Xing and Javier Vadell
2 Conceptualizing China-US Rivalry and Its Dynamic Impact on Latin America and the Caribbean
Li Xing
3 The New Projectment Economy, the Chinese Embedded Globalization and Implications for Latin American and the Caribbean
Elias Jabbour, Alexis Dantas, and Javier Vadell
4 China and US Systemic Rivalry in the Contemporary Transition of World Power
Gabriel Esteban Merino
5 The Biden Administration and the Rise of China: Implications for U.S. Policy in Latin America
Gary Prevost
6 Central America and the Caribbean in US-China Strategic Competition
Lourdes María Regueiro Bello, Claudia Marín Suarez and Ruvislei González Saez
7 Too Small to Choose? The Uruguayan Perspectives of Foreign Policy
in the New Scenario
Andrés Raggio
8 The United States and China’s Projections in the Andean Region: A Historical Structural Approach and Post-pandemic Scenarios
Milton Reyes Herrera and Katalina Barreiro
9 Between China and the United States: The Geopolitics of Mexico in the 21st Century
Ada Celsa Cabrera García and Giuseppe Lo Brutto
10 Brazil and the China-US Rivalry: There and Back Again
Leonardo Ramos, Alexandre Leite and Filipe Mendonça
11 China-Argentina Relations in the Framework of the “Necessary Symbiotic Interdependence” and “Strategic (Regional) Autonomy”
Maria Francesca Staiano and Laura Lucía Bogado Bordazar
12 Venezuela and the US-China Dispute
Norbert Molina Medina and Francisco Soto Oraa
13 Chile in the US-China Competition: Defying Zero-sum Logic with Pragmatism and Complementarity?
Florencia Rubiolo and Diego Telias
14 Final Remarks and Perspectives: China-US Rivalry, World Reordering and Latin
American Responses
Javier Vadell and Li Xing
List of Annexures