


王浩,副教授,硕士生导师,经济学博士,博士后,广东外语外贸大学云山青年学者(A),伦敦大学学院University College London(UCL)斯拉夫东欧研究院School of Slavonic and East European Studies(SSEES)博士后,纳瓦拉大学Universidad de Navarra中国研究中心Core China Research Center(CCRC)副研究员,英国皇家经济学会(RES)会员,中国经济学会(CES)会员,对比经济学会(ACES)会员,在《Structural Change and Economic Dynamics》《Economic Systems》《Emerging Markets Review》《Economic Modelling》《International Review of Economics & Finance》《Applied Economics》《China & World Economy》《Journal of Family Issues》《统计研究》《江海学刊》《社会科学战线》《国际经贸探索》等国内外学术期刊(接受)发表论文多篇。工作论文收录转载于德国慕尼黑大学经济研究中心Münchener Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wirtschaftswissenschaft(CESIFO)、世界劳工组织Global Labor Organization(GLO)与芬兰中央银行Bank of Finland(BOFIT)等国际学术机构。参与撰写的咨询报告获省领导批示。主持国家自然科学基金项目、广东省自然科学基金项目、广东省教学质量工程改革项目、广州市青年博士启航项目等项目多项,并担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、SSCI来源期刊Frontiers系列编委以及《The China Quarterly》《Structural Change and Economics Dynamics》《Economic Systems》《Economic Modelling》《International Review of Economics & Finance》《Eurasian Geography & Economics》《Applied Economics》《International Review of Financial Analysis》《Journal of Economic Inequality》《Applied Economics Letters》《Finance Research Letters》《Journal of Happiness Studies》《Family Relations》《Research in International Business and Finance》《Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy》《Scientific Reports》《Asian Pasific Education Review》《国际经贸探索》等期刊评审专家。指导学生团体参加竞赛获全国二等奖,华南赛区一等奖。推荐学生获康奈尔大学(Cornell University)、德州大学奥斯汀(University of Texas at Austin)密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan at Ana Arbor)、京都大学(Kyoto University)与南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)等学府录取深造。


2021年,伦敦大学学院University College London,经济学博士后

2020年,伦敦布鲁内尔大学Brunel University London,经济学博士

2015年,奥克兰大学 University of Auckland,管理学博士

2013年,波士顿大学Boston University,经济学硕士


2010年,夏威夷大学University of Hawaii,访问学者


Frontiers系列期刊编委,国家自然科学基金评审专家,《Structural Change and Economics Dynamics》公众号编辑,《The China Quarterly》《Structural Change and Economics Dynamics》《Economic Systems》《China & World Economy》(╳2)《Economic Modelling》(╳2)《International Review of Economics & Finance》(╳3)《Eurasian Geography & Economics》《Applied Economics》(╳5)《Applied Economics Letters》《Finance Research Letters》《International Review of Financial Analysis》《Journal of Economic Inequality》《Journal of Happiness Studies》《Eurasian Economic Review》《Research in International Business and Finance》《Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy》(╳2)《Family Relations》《Aging and Mental Health》(╳2)《Frontiers in Public Health》(╳4)《Frontiers in Psychology》《Sustainability》(╳12)《Systems》《Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development》《国际经贸探索》《中国人口科学》等30本国内外学术期刊审稿人。






1.How bilateral investment treaties affect cross-border mergers and acquisitions? Novel evidence from China’s internationalization. Emerging Markets Review (SSCI/SCIE Q1,一类B), forthcoming. 通讯作者

2.Digital economy development and urban economic resilience: Evidence from Broadband China. Applied Economics Letters (SSCI Q3,二类B),2024. 通讯作者

3.廉洁政府赋能数字贸易的理论机制与经验证据. 《江海学刊》(CSSCI,二类B), 2023. 第一作者

4.中国自贸试验区建设是否促进外资流入?《国际经贸探索》(CSSCI,二类A),2023. 通讯作者

5.Digital Economy and the Employment Effect of Inward FDI. CCRC-WP-No.007, Universidad de Navarra, 2023, 通讯作者

6.Digital Economy, Industrial Structure, and Regional Trade Dependence: Mechanism Analysis Based on Chinese City Data. Sustainability(SSCI/SCIE,一类B),2023. 通讯作者

7.Grandparenting and the well-being of the elderly in China. Journal of Family Issues (SSCI Q3,二类A), 2023. 通讯作者

8.Digital service trade and income inequality. Applied Economics Letters (SSCI Q3,二类A),2023. 通讯作者

9.外商投资与科技创新:基于市场一体化视角. 《统计研究》(CSSCI,一类B),2022. 第一作者

10.Can colonial legacy explain the PHH? A City level Panel Analysis. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI Q1,一类A),2022,第一作者

11.Peer Effects and Shadow Education. Economic Modelling (SSCI Q1,一类A),2022. 通讯作者

12.The Belt and Road Initiative, Sister-city partnership and Chinese OFDI. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja (SSCI Q2,一类B),2022, 通讯作者

13.A spatial analysis of inward FDI and urban-rural wage inequality in China. Economic Systems (SSCI Q1,一类A),2021, 第一作者

14.Confucius Institute, Belt and Road Initiative, and Internationalization. International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI Q2, 一类B),2021, 第一作者

15.Productivity gap and inward FDI spillovers: Theory and evidence from China. China & World Economy (SSCI Q2, 一类B), 2021, 通讯作者

16.Growing against the Background of Colonization? Inward FDI and Labor Market in a Historical Perspective. International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI Q2 一类A),2020,第一作者

17.Exploring the determinants of on-farm transitions: Evidence from rural China. Applied Economics (SSCI Q3,一类B),2020, 第一作者

18.How colonial legacy shapes the impact of inward FDI on GDP? Evidence from China. Applied Economics Letters (SSCI Q3, 一类B),2020,第一作者




22.Towards Confidentiality of ID-Based Signcryption Schemes under without Random Oradel.《Pacific-Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics PAISI 2010: Intelligence and Security Informatics》(EI),2010,第四作者




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