● 2018年11月,获全国人社部、全国博士后管理委员会颁发的博士后工作站
● In November 2018, a postdoctoral workstation was established in GIIS by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and National Post-Doctor Regulatory Commission.
● 2018年11月,举办第三届21世纪海上丝绸之路国际智库论坛2018
● In November 2018, the 3rd China International Think Tank Forum of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 2018 was held by GIIS.
● 2018年7-8月,启动企业追踪调查,组织开展广东企业创新创业专项调研
● From July to August, GIIS organized ESIEC in Guangdong and started tracking survey to enterprises.
● 2018年6月,常务副院长隋广军教授参加全国人大委员长栗战书为埃及艾因夏姆斯大学孔子课堂揭牌仪式
● In June 2018, Sui Guangjun, Executive Deputy Director of GIIS, participated in the inauguration ceremony by Mr. Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, for the Confucius Classroom of Ain Shams University of Egypt.
● 2018年5月,获广东省五一劳动奖章
● In May 2018, GIIS was awarded Provincial May 1st Labor Medal.
● 2017年10月,举办第二届21世纪海上丝绸之路(广东)国际智库论坛
● In October 2017, the China (Guangdong) International Think Tank Forum of the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road 2017 was held by GIIS.
● 2017年9月,入选广东省首批重点智库
● 2017年5月,教育部科技委战略研究基地(21世纪海上丝绸之路与区域创新国际战略研究中心)揭牌。
● In May 2017, the Research Base of Strategies for the Science & Technology Commission of Ministry of Education (International Strategic Research Base for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Regional Innovation) was inaugurated.
● 2017年1月,当选2017年金砖国家智库中方理事会成员
● In January 2017, GIIS was appointed as a member of the Chinese Council of BRICKS Think-Tank Cooperation.
● 2016年11月,原国务委员、21世纪海上丝绸之路协同创新中心顾问委员会名誉主席戴秉国指导我院新型智库建设
● In November 2016, H.E. Dai Bingguo, former State Councilor, Honorary Chairman of the Collaborative Innovation Center for 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Studies, instructed the construction of a New Model of Think Tank.
● 2016年5月,举办第一届21世纪海上丝绸之路(广东)国际智库论坛,发布《广州宣言》,建立海上丝绸之路国际智库网络
● In May 2016, China (Guangdong) International Think Tank Forum of the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road 2016 was held by GIIS, in which Guangzhou Declaration and the establishment of International Think Tank Network of the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road.
● 2016年5月,获广东省工人先锋号
● In May 2016, GIIS was awarded Guangdong Worker’s Vanguard.
● 2016年1月,续聘外交部政策研究重点合作单位
● In January 2016, GIIS renewed its cooperation contract with Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a key Collaborator for Policy Research.
● 2015年7月,《中国周边外交发展报告(2015)》在北京发布
● In July 2015, Development Report on China’s Neighboring Diplomacy (2015) was released in Beijing.
● 2015年6月,太平洋岛国战略研究中心成立
● In June 2015, the Center for Strategic Studies on Pacific Islands Countries was established.
● 2015年4月,广东“走出去”协同创新中心更名为21世纪海上丝绸之路协同创新中心,同年5月,被认定为广东省省级协同创新中心
● In April 2015, the Collaborative Innovation Center for Guangdong “Going-Global” Studies was renamed as the Collaborative Innovation Center for 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road Studies. In May, the Center was recognized by Guangdong Province as a provincial collaborative innovation center.
● 2014年6月,与外交学院共建的“中国-东盟思想库网络广东基地”揭牌
● In June 2014, GIIS and China Foreign Affairs University jointly set up the Guangdong Base of China-ASEAN Think Tank Network.
● 2014年4月,以广东国际战略研究院为依托的广东“走出去”协同创新中心被广东省教育厅认定为区域发展类培育建设型省级协同创新中心
● In April 2014, the Collaborative Innovation Center for Guangdong “Going-Global” Studies was officially established on the basis of GIIS. It was recognized by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province as a provincial collaborative innovation center for regional development.
● 2013年12月,获聘外交部政策研究重点合作单位,成为外交部干部培训基地
● In December 2013, it was officially recognized as a Key Collaborator for Policy Research and a Training Base of Senior officials of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
● 2012年12月,教育部创新团队发展计划项目《中国参与全球经济治理机制与战略选择》获得立项;2017年6月,该项目团队结题评优后获得教育部2018年-2020年的滚动支持,是我省自教育部创新团队发展计划项目开展以来获得支持的2个文科项目之一,是2017年全国获得滚动支持的7个人文社科类创新团队之一
● In December 2012, GIIS got the Innovation Team Development Plan of Ministry of Education: Mechanism and Strategy Choice of China Participating in Global Economic Governance. In June 2017, after the Project was completed and awarded excellent prize, it gained the second round of fund from 2018 to 2020 from Ministry of Education. It is among the 2 projects of liberal arts in Guangdong Province since the start of Innovation Team Development Plan of Ministry of Education. It is among the 7 innovation teams of humanities & social sciences in China that gained the second round of fund in 2017.
● 2012年3月,被广东省科技厅认定为首批软科学重点研究基地
● In March 2012, GIIS was recognized by Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology as one of the Key Research Bases of Soft Science.
● 2010年12月,广东国际战略研究院隋广军教授所著《国内外经济贸易形势对广东外经贸发展的影响及对策》荣获广东省社科联纪念广东省社会科学界联合会成立50周年优秀决策成果奖
● In December 2010, Professor Sui Guangjun published the Influence of Domestic and International Trade on the Trade Development of Guangdong Province, which won the Excellent Decision-making Award of the 50th Anniversary of Guangdong Social Sciences Association.
● 2009年11月13日,广东国际战略研究院成立
● In November 2009, Guangdong Institute for International Strategies (GIIS) was established.
● 2009年成立至今,广东国际战略研究院共获得《“一带一路”倡议与中国参与全球经济治理问题研究》(负责人:隋广军)、《提高中国在全球经济治理中的制度性话语权研究》(负责人:陈伟光)、《未来十年中国打造战略支点国家的理论分析与策略研究》(负责人:周方银)等国家社科基金重大项目7项、教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目4项、外交部年度重大委托课题及应急课题10余项、广东省自然科学基金团队项目1项等;课题组及其研究成果获得外交部“重大外交政策研究课题”优秀课题组称号、广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖调研报告类一等奖等。
● GIIS has undertaken 7 Key Projects of the National Social Science Fund, including Study on the "Belt and Road" Strategy and China's Participation in Global Governance (hosted by Sui Guangjun), Study on the Enhancement of China's Institutional Discourse in Global Economic Governance (hosted by Chen Weiguang) and Theoretical Analysis of and Strategic Research on China's Building of Strategic Pivot Nations in the Next Decade (hosted by Zhou Fangyin), 4 Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research of the Ministry of Education, over 10 Annual Major Projects and Urgent Projects Entrusted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1 Natural Science Foundation Team of Guangdong Province, etc. GIIS has won the Annual Project Award for the Excellent Research Teams of Research Project on the Major Foreign Policies of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Outstanding Achievement Award in Decision-making and Consultation in the 50th anniversary of Guangdong Social Sciences Association.