On march 27, 2015, Anatoly Stepanov,professor of Ural Federal University (UrFU) delivered a speech on the topic of“Economic Globalization” for students and teachers from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) and Guangdong Institute for International Strategies(GIIS). Professor Chen Hanxi, director of Center for European Studiesas well as students and teachers of GIIS attended the lecture.
Professor Anatoly Stepanov introduced economic conditions of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk Oblast. He also mentioned that one of the key factors in hindering economic development between China and Russia lies in the poor transportation of goods and logistical inefficiency.
After the lecture, Chen Hanxi, as well as Professor Anatoly Stepanov, discussed the cooperation of scientific research between both institutions and signed the Framework Agreement. Wu Junfeng,deputy director of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, also attended the talk.