On the afternoon of March 25, 2015, Sui Guangjun, the Party Secretary of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS)and the executive deputy director of GISS, met representatives of RAND Corporation of America. Dr. Debra Knopman, former vice president and director of RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment, and Mu Dan Ping, China adviser of RAND Corporation, visited Guangdong Institute for International Strategies (GIIS)accompanied by Liang Xiaohong, deputy director of External Coordination Office under Foreign Affairs Office of Guangdong Provincial People's Government(GDFAO). Li Qing, Secretary-general of GIIS, Yi Zongyong, deputy director of International Cooperation and Exchange Office as well as experts and scholars from Research Institutions of GDUFS, were present.
Sui Guangjun elaborated achievements of GDUFS’s development in discipline construction and talent cultivation in recent year. As he especially mentioned,we should keep abreast of the times when doing scientific research at colleges and universities, so as to serve the country and locality against the backdrop of the volatile international environment and the increasingly development of domestic economy.
All people present conducted in-depthexchanges on the ideas of the way to set up the research project, evaluation ofresearch results and innovation incentive mechanism.