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The Establishment of the Council of GRIIS Was Widely Covered by the Media

2014-06-17  Click:[]

In the afternoon of May 29, the inaugural meeting of the Council of GRIIS and its first working conference was held at the Baiyun Mountain Campus of GDUFS. Zhao Yufang, vice governor of People’s Government of Guangdong Province, holds the concurrent post as director of GRIIS and the first president of the Council of GRIIS.

Zhao Yufang expressed that since its foundation GRIIS has played a positive role as local think tank and made important contributions to the local and even national economic and social progress. She encouraged taking advantage of this opportunity to further meet the demands of Guangdong Province and even the whole country.

During the conference, Sui Guangjun, executive deputy director of GRIIS and Party secretary of GDUFS, summarized the work of GRIIS. Besides, the conference passed the important documents such as “Regulations of Guangdong Research Institute for International Strategies” by vote.

This conference received close attention of local media of Guangdong. Guangdong TV news channel reported the news. Besides, Southern Daily, Guangzhou Daily, and the website of the People's Government of Guangdong also published some articles about it, which were widely shared by some network media, such as China News, China Economic Herald, and Dayoo.

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