On October 13th, Mr. Sigismond BPW Notodipuro, the senior expert adviser for members of the first and second committees of Indonesia Congress, Mr. Alman Helvas Ali, researcher for Defense and Marine Research Institute, Mr. Irman Supriadi Rambe, member of the first committee of Indonesia Congress, Mrs. R. Novi Roudhatul Jannah, secretary of the senior expert adviser for members of the first committee of Indonesia Congress attended the international seminar hosted by Guangdong Research Institute for International Strategies and the School of Legal Studies in GDUFS. The seminar is on the theme of "Focusing on South China Sea Issue: the Cooperation and Development of China and Indonesia". The participants also include Professor Gu Yeli, vice president of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Li Qing, Secretary-general of Guangdong Research Institute for International Strategies, Wu Junfeng, deputy director of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, Professor Yang Shaogang, executive chief editor of "Studies on Strategic Decisions", Liu Jisen, deputy secretary general of GRIIS, Professor Wang Shuchun, deputy director of School of Legal Studies, Professor Tang Xiaosong, Doctor Hui Gengtian and Professor Cai Jincheng of Faculty of Asian Languages and Cultures. The seminar was hosted by Professor Yang Shaogang.