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Major Events

GIIS Overseas Investigation Visits




Li Qing went to the US for the “China Goes Global” Academic Conference.




Zeng Chuhong went to South Africa, Ethiopia and Tanzania for research visits.


Liu Jisen went to Hong Kong Baptist University for the “Voyages, Migration and the Maritime Silk Road: An International Symposium on China's Role in Global History” Conference.

2016. 04

Chen Hanxi paid a visit to Belgium to enhance cooperation with local universities


Li Qing paid research visits to Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda to engage in exchanges with Uganda World Bank Branch, Investment Promotion Center.












上一条:Major International Conferences Organized by GIIS

下一条:China (Guangdong) International Think Tank Forum of 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road

外交部政策研究重点合作单位 “一带一路”智库联盟理事单位 中国-东盟思想库网络广东基地  广东省软科学重点研究基地